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  1. retreat

    not going to renew

    You cant just say its a mess without providing any reason or logic of why its a mess. Also, I really believe onetap does not care if they lost 19.99 from you.
  2. retreat


    nice video
  3. retreat

    onetap alpha hvh highlights #11

    nice video keep it up!
  4. retreat

    Hope V4 fixes some issues.

    I totally agree with you that some cheats are totally sleeping. But I also want to just clarify that this is just desync in general and that there is something called anti bruteforce. Even though I agree with some statements, some of the features are the best that they can possibly be...
  5. retreat

    dt not shooting sometimes

    Show screenshots of your accuracy settings and provide clips of the issue you are having.
  6. retreat

    highlights #33

    nice vid