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  1. MsterK

    I can't inject Onetap V4, it's always logged in. I tried to replace at least 4 VPN software, and...

    I can't inject Onetap V4, it's always logged in. I tried to replace at least 4 VPN software, and also tried to reset the network, but they were useless. I also tried the Onetap diagnostic program, but I don’t know how to send the diagnostic report to the staff. I hope you can help me. Thank you...
  2. MsterK


  3. MsterK

    I have the proof of purchase.I bought onetapV3 from "老狗" in China

    I have the proof of purchase.I bought onetapV3 from "老狗" in China
  4. MsterK

    Admin Dad. PLEASE reset my HWID.PLEASE.I LOVE YOU.please.I beg the administrator to reset my HWID.

    Admin Dad. PLEASE reset my HWID.PLEASE.I LOVE YOU.please.I beg the administrator to reset my HWID.
  5. MsterK

    Admin Dad. PLEASE reset my HWID.PLEASE.I beg the administrator

    Admin Dad. PLEASE reset my HWID.PLEASE.I beg the administrator