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  1. Eclipsalations

    where dt

    where dt
  2. Eclipsalations

    post buy questions

    Doesn't matter what Cheat you decide to use, most Cheats (Not just CS:GO Cheats) are detected as "mAlWaRe" by 95% of Anti-Viruses. Onetap, however, is Safe.
  3. Eclipsalations

    can i inject other cheats with onetap

    I can personally Double Inject with most of the Cheats I own; Will it get you Cheat Banned? I don't know. The only time I've done it is in Local Matches to see the AnimFix Break in two. Until onetap staff or the Rules say that it's allowed, or won't get you Banned I wouldn't recommend doing it...
  4. Eclipsalations

    onetap on 5e

    does onetap work on 5e arena?
  5. Eclipsalations

    Current cheat state?

    Definitely better than Alternative options like - Neverhit - AIMWHERE - Gamesense (Cracked??!?!??!?!?!) - LuckyCharms (Free, though; Pay for Legitbot?!??!)
  6. Eclipsalations

    about fps

    Onetap is definitely 10x more optimized than Neverlose. Not only is Neverlose just Nemesis, but Neverlose is overloaded with a bunch of useless shit. The Only other Cheat I'd say you'd get the better Optimization with, is skeet. > However, Skeets' been around almost since the Game was released...
  7. Eclipsalations

    damn, didn't even register in april :(

    damn, didn't even register in april :(
  8. Eclipsalations

    Wow, Llamas profile looks really neat!

    Wow, Llamas profile looks really neat!
  9. Eclipsalations

    N i c e .

    N i c e .
  10. Eclipsalations


  11. Eclipsalations


  12. Eclipsalations

    LambdaHook 😎

    LambdaHook 😎