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  1. silas

    "v3 ReSoLveR iS sO bAD"
  2. silas

    p antiaim javascript shits on all

  3. silas

    little over 1 year review

    so, been using onetap since right after it went public, registered feb 23rd not going to do a review that explains everything in fuck tons of paragraphs however, what i do see is the cheat getting overly shit talked, which it's been very rare that the cheat was the problem in my experience...
  4. silas

    Me vs. The_Belch

    first half only, explanation below video first, he started talking big shit after i onetapped him, then told me to 1v1, so i hop on and we play inferno, which i don't know angles on because i don't play it simply because the insane amount of oneways on the map annoy me starts missing my head...