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  1. ZethGOD

    Some HVH Video editing

    its after effects cc 2014. i just prefer it over 2019 version tbh
  2. ZethGOD

    Some HVH Video editing

    added ya :D
  3. ZethGOD

    Some HVH Video editing

    Thanks brotha ill def tone it down a bit
  4. ZethGOD

    Some HVH Video editing

    Thanks my man and i added you on discord :)
  5. ZethGOD

    Some HVH Video editing

    thanks brotha :D
  6. ZethGOD

    Some HVH Video editing

    Trying to get into hvh editing not too sure how i feel about it so far Feedback would be great to see if i should stop or not
  7. ZethGOD

    A ONETAP.SU Intro

    its very simple but cool
  8. ZethGOD

    HvH Edit Preview

    Saw smileys contest and wanted to try editing these kinds of clips for the 1st time should i continue or just stop