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  1. CometZ

    onetap hvh media *average media*

  2. CometZ

    ONETAP is bad? onetap media

  3. CometZ


    ez for onetap, edeen, kitty, or whoever the name is ur cheat so p keep up good work
  4. CometZ

    Onetap menu concept (incase they wanna change menu) (made in paint but decent)

    hi, i wanna share this menu concept for ot since people are bragging about the new menu. so here it is, it is made in paint and only a concept and can be improved graphicwise, anyways here is the menu concept, btw dont bully if it shit: what do you...
  5. CometZ

    is it worth getting another sub?

    so basically ive benn going into hvh again and im looking a for a good hvh cheetos (no private cheetos gang) and im wondering is the cheat still good even tho there were so many csgo updates? more specifically is it worth getting a sub