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  1. MustachMan

    yo this cheat missing so much yall fanboys will say user issue

    holy shit so many apes
  2. MustachMan

    Sub giveaway

    idc if i lose
  3. MustachMan

    For people that are asking for a update

    i cant take you seriously for that fucking song 😂 YOU FUCKING PUT MARSHMELLO ALONE I CANT ARE YOU FUCKING 10 HHHHHHHHH Go back to roblox
  4. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    there is so much wrong with that grammar it hurts " come discord ez fix? if you think ur sick talk to me tray#9872 also when i was invited onetap was private but i doubt u know that 2020 hvher " I don't know how old you are or if you dropped out at middle school if you want to talk shit at least...
  5. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    watch this shit
  6. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    LOL FLEXING UID ON PUBLIC CHEAT HHHHHHHHH Braindead Ego Monkey who has no brain and cant say shit against "big words"
  7. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    you never say shit besides nice uid faggot no one has ever heard of you and nice uid nn
  8. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    again avoiding my questions bc you have nothing to say all of my points are right and all you can do is flex ur uid on a public cheat and the fact that ur ego is so big all you can talk about is uids case closed
  9. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    and clips afks HHHHHHHHHHHHH
  10. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    and you're config is ass always gets leaked and the scout is shit and it dumps and the auto always misses dt
  11. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    ok shitter you fucking play against otc users and fucking pastes and when ever you go on severs with people who don't use pastes you always rq and join a nn sever and you never fucking scout bc you always miss their head and if someone said I wanna test my aa you will say nah I will force baim...
  12. MustachMan

    to everyone saying the cheat is shit

    ^^^^^^^^right up here is alot of simps who suck this cheats dick ^^^^^^^
  13. MustachMan

    Cadillac ft. onetap and fatality

    you finna get banned for useing fatality in a ot forums atleast i think