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  1. Fortniteman

    Honest Opinion

    Thank you.
  2. Fortniteman

    What programming language was onetap written in?

    you are all wrong the loader is html and the cheat dll it written in java stop lying to this poor man
  3. Fortniteman

    VM Support

    pretty sure onetap dont work on a vm for security reasons
  4. Fortniteman


    You need to have premium
  5. Fortniteman

    Honest Opinion

    Yeah i would agree but due to rules that are set i am not allowed to voice my opinion on these forums without getting banned from undermining! ^^This is a JOKE not undermining or something else
  6. Fortniteman

    OnEtAp bAd cHiT pLz rOl bAk uPdAtE k tHx

    really? people are saying they removed like half the ragebot tab
  7. Fortniteman

    New Update

    yeah idk the new update removed legit half the features in ragebot tab kinda cringe
  8. Fortniteman


  9. Fortniteman


  10. Fortniteman

    best pfp

    best pfp
  11. Fortniteman

    (almost)30 day experience of 1tap (review)

    i agree with everything in here its very inconsistent please dont ban me or this guy, when he said "burger king quality pastes" i fucking died best review by far