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  1. DetaiLZZ


    i mean it did resolve tho
  2. DetaiLZZ

    onetap bruh

    Enjoyed that
  3. DetaiLZZ

    GOD AA

    dont hate on him cause hes beautiful
  4. DetaiLZZ


    For the most part the av shouldn't detect anything with the loader itself but when injecting if your av is decent it should block it. If your av doesn't attempt to block the injection then you need to refund the av.
  5. DetaiLZZ hvh #12

    God damn the p was insane
  6. DetaiLZZ

    [Suggestion] Auto-Save Configs Toggle

    Can agree an option like this would be neat to see.
  7. DetaiLZZ

    my double tap is good innit

    damn woooow look at his extraordinary dt isss crazyyyyyyyyyy, jk suko dees resolver betch
  8. DetaiLZZ

    1v1 for $200?

    You both hella sus for caring honestly
  9. DetaiLZZ

    generic hvh video #9248342 using onetap alpha

    Ay mine isn't, fuck awpes
  10. DetaiLZZ

    Winer's Onetap Review

    Exploits dont work in mm, not a cheat issue. Solid review would have to say I agree with most of what you said 👌
  11. DetaiLZZ

    FPS issue

    Certain scripts will cause a framerate hit more than others, only scripts you really need is aa and doubletap in my opinion.
  12. DetaiLZZ


    mmm yummy visuals and p100 vid
  13. TOES | HvH Highlight #2 ft. onetap

    TOES | HvH Highlight #2 ft. onetap

  14. DetaiLZZ

    super cute guy tbh

    super cute guy tbh
  15. DetaiLZZ

    First Time Back in Quite a While

  16. DetaiLZZ

    [Honest] OT V3 Review in 3 days lmao

    big name alpha user right here bruhv you can tell by his signature, its p
  17. DetaiLZZ

    A visual update would be nice...

    Not a priority but new visuals never hurt anyone :)
  18. DetaiLZZ hvh higlights

    Lots of p, thanks for sharing
  19. DetaiLZZ

    Resolver bug

    Do the same thing with other cheats and see the outcome, not much will change...