Recent content by white420

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  1. white420

    OT review after more than a year of not using it

    I mean yeah, thats true, its just my personal opinion and preference... I just dont like JS that much.
  2. white420

    OT review after more than a year of not using it

    Yeah its not perfect but its very much usable, dont know what other devs are doing when OT can still somehow hold up with no updates whatsoever. Only cheat ive seen recently with decent updates was R7.
  3. white420

    OT review after more than a year of not using it

    Aight, to be honest i expected a much worse experience after comming back to OT from gs/nl/primo, but i was genuinely surprised how the cheat still holds up with no updates... Im not saying that the cheat doesnt need an update, but I mean we already know something is comming so whatever. Lets...
  4. white420

    Nice uid bruh

    Nice uid bruh
  5. white420

    +rep what a handsome reseller, give him better uid tho 🤣

    +rep what a handsome reseller, give him better uid tho 🤣
  6. white420

    +rep pReseller (but nice uid bruh) 🤣

    +rep pReseller (but nice uid bruh) 🤣