Recent content by SpagBol

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  1. SpagBol

    Skeet "Administrator"

    Nice media :)
  2. SpagBol

    OT v3 hitting p on OTC users

    Was in an MM and 2 kids toggled claiming they used OTC... and heres the result
  3. SpagBol


    If you want better customization on AA id try this Probably of the best AA scripts imo.
  4. SpagBol

    MM HvH Scroobs

    OT hitting P. Nice tho media easy 3v1 or 2v1? Either way still good!
  5. SpagBol

    First onetap media

    Started HvHing a couple weeks ago and more recently recording some clips. Never edited before so decided to give it a go. More than happy to take feedback on how to improve :)
  6. SpagBol

    is the gift system working?

    Its normally within a few minutes, if it isn't received you will probs need to make a support ticket
  7. SpagBol

    is the gift system working?

    It works, I've gifted a sub in the past
  8. SpagBol

    onetap alpha hvh highlights #21

    Always hitting p
  9. SpagBol


    I've never got a VAC from using OT only OW bans from spinning in MM
  10. SpagBol

    Quick Question

    From personal experience I've never used onetap on my main and it hasn't been banned. Make sure your accounts aren't linked together with the same phone number or if you have family share on make sure you dont family share from your main to the account you will be cheating on. As long as you...