Recent content by Sain

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  1. Sain

    Onetap AA got all cheats dumpin

    lol its just fakepitch...
  2. Sain

    Official Onetap HvH servers

    do the top ranks of NS HSO also have a chance for a alpha interview?
  3. Sain

    NNice uid jk

    NNice uid jk
  4. Sain


    Did you try to reset your wifi router?
  5. Sain

    honest review..........

    lmao uid issue
  6. Sain

    Ak47 is better than scout dont @me

    that r p af ak clips
  7. Sain

    Godlike onetap user $$$

  8. Sain

    Suprerior Onetap user$

    Yes ik, but hvh is like lil bit "unbalanced" cuz everyone can get onetap now :3 thx :)
  9. Sain

    Suprerior Onetap user$

  10. Sain

    cutie <3

    cutie <3