Recent content by RussianDrugAbuser

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  1. R

    I'm speechless

    Im not saying that every other cheat is perfect and there is no such thing as a cheat that never miss and I’ve never claimed that there are any cheat that never miss, smh... but I’m saying that they could update the resolver more often or at least fix the fucking auto stop, I am no coder but how...
  2. R

    I'm speechless

    Yea keep telling ur self that mr onetap fanboy
  3. R

    I'm speechless

    Diffrent name back in the days hhhh love that u r so mad so u actually spend time googling my name
  4. R

    I'm speechless

    idk if a new comer ever heard of it but does it ring a bell??
  5. R

    I'm speechless

    It isnt my configs fault that I miss baim due to spread when im fucking crouching with an auto?
  6. R

    I'm speechless

    Nah im complaining about the cheat, and just cuz im complaining doesnt mean im mad lmao
  7. R

    I'm speechless

    U mad?
  8. R

    I'm speechless

    Lmao otc v2 yea okay well I dont care since I started to hvh back in 2k15-2k16 so I think ur the only new fag in this thread
  9. R

    I'm speechless

    Well to many javascripts fucks your game up, I’ve tried it aswell.. about 5 javascripts used at the same time, it ended up breaking the ragebot so it didnt even shoot..
  10. R

    I'm speechless

    That is the problem, every public cheat is shit... and the best public cheat is onetap and at least I knows how it performs
  11. R

    I'm speechless

    Sure I’ll share it asap I get up from bed
  12. R

    I'm speechless

    And your uid is so much better? 304305 300k uid so before u start talking about uid make sure urs are lower next time xd kinda cringe otherwise
  13. R

    I'm speechless

    Okay so Boris from russia just bought onetap and cant hit shit, he is a nn and had no clue how to hvh, how does he get nl?
  14. R

    I'm speechless

    Finally someone that actually can talk like a normal fucking human being😂 ngl ur the first 1 in the whole thread that actually says something besides ”uid issue, config issue, brain issue” etc. And your right onetap has better days and some days are just shit but the thing is that I start to get...
  15. R

    I'm speechless

    Like 10 ppl already have told me about onetap, but I will say it about gs.. Its config and uid issue skeet hits p every time... I know that is bullshit and I also know that if someone says it about ot its also bs