Recent content by rotorbug

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  1. rotorbug


    ive tested this on hp+1 and 100 hitchance and i still hit people for way less than hp+1 a lot, the min dmg on this cheat is extremely broken. you could also say which autostop settings to fix instead of just "fix your autostop settings"
  2. rotorbug

    this is not my account, my other acc is your uid divided by 4.6

    this is not my account, my other acc is your uid divided by 4.6
  3. rotorbug

    LOLLLLL ur so dumb kid omg u care about a number on a public video game hack more than anything...

    LOLLLLL ur so dumb kid omg u care about a number on a public video game hack more than anything else. i literally asked you whats wrong with the config and you called me new and rq'd from the call, ur just another typical braindead 2019 newcomer child LOLLLLLL
  4. rotorbug
