Recent content by risinsun

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  1. risinsun

    Good for legit cheating?

    Yes the legit cheating on onetap is really good in my opinon has a lot of features to make you look legit, personally I rarely get called out for cheating but that could be the fact that I mainly legit cheat and sometimes hvh. It's mainly about the cfg that you use to make yourself look legit
  2. risinsun

    Showcase contest - January

    One tap destroys MM cheaters
  3. risinsun

    Onetap against comp cheaters

  4. risinsun v3 review

    I haven't had onetap much but I've been in the HVH community for a while and I remember Onetap doing godlike in hvh servers. But now that Aimware v5 is out, fatailty update (Forgot the newest version) this cheat just seems to be getting pretty fucked hard I rarely get more then 3 a 3k highest...