Recent content by PotOChilli

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  1. PotOChilli

    give me alpha and update

    give me alpha and update
  2. PotOChilli

    Nigga i dont care and thats onigang

    Nigga i dont care and thats onigang
  3. PotOChilli

    Go add "Hitbox on shot" and local "Bullet tracer"

    I was just giving a reference. I thought it might help understand by saying onetap isnt the only cheat that doesnt have the feature. Wasn't trying to downput skeet or onetap.
  4. PotOChilli

    Go add "Hitbox on shot" and local "Bullet tracer"

    skeets isnt drawn as a beam, its drawn as a flat line, much easier to render, and dodges bugs.
  5. PotOChilli

    Go add "Hitbox on shot" and local "Bullet tracer"

    they caused big time bugs with the visual aspect of the cheat. It was around in v1, but was remived because of the bugs. Skeet skeet dosent have it either