Recent content by nopeV2fata

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  1. nopeV2fata

    Hello boss man i buyed the sub for 3 mouths and i maked a ticket to reset my hwid and i wanna...

    Hello boss man i buyed the sub for 3 mouths and i maked a ticket to reset my hwid and i wanna know if u have time to reset it for me. Thanks!
  2. nopeV2fata

    my card gets declined and i cant buy a sub

    no its a debit card not a prepaid not gift
  3. nopeV2fata

    my card gets declined and i cant buy a sub

    Hello i tried to buy a onetap sub and my card gets declined. I use a debit card form master card. The card has over 100e on it.
  4. nopeV2fata

    +rep By idk

    +rep By idk