Recent content by noev2

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  1. noev2

    Onetap subscription

    No XDDDD 😐
  2. noev2

    5 reasons that u should buy onetap

    Because you keep fucking replying and I get email notifications you moron. Random hvher just insulted me, I feel devastated right now. Jokes aside can a mod please lock this thread?
  3. noev2

    5 reasons that u should buy onetap

    Why are you bumping a thread from april that was a clear shitpost
  4. noev2

    5 reasons that u should buy onetap

    you're* why did you even bump this
  5. noev2

    hvh 2k18+2k22 highlights #4 ft. onetap

    but why can't you answer a simple question 😟
  6. noev2

    hvh 2k18+2k22 highlights #4 ft. onetap

    dodging question again😴 maybe you're Portuguese and don't feel like saying it
  7. noev2

    hvh 2k18+2k22 highlights #4 ft. onetap

    dodging question 😴
  8. noev2

    hvh 2k18+2k22 highlights #4 ft. onetap

    that's not a country i fear, please answer the question
  9. noev2

    hvh 2k18+2k22 highlights #4 ft. onetap

    I wonder where "His highness" is from honestly
  10. noev2

    hvh 2k18+2k22 highlights #4 ft. onetap

    Imagine caring about steam levels and using them as proof of wealth. Your account is like what, 4 months old and level 300 with 50 games. You really wanted to fit in with the "cool kids" huh? Hopefully you paid for that yourself and didn't empty someones credit card for it....
  11. noev2

    hvh 2k18+2k22 highlights #4 ft. onetap

    for the love of god please stop making media what the fuck are you recording in this is 1080p according to youtube, your best clip was the legacy one at the start of the video because you can't count the pixels in it
  12. noev2

    Wouldn't recommend HvH

    if only they warned you your subscription is about to run out.. oh wait you clearly have no idea how much it costs to cheat in other games like tarkov if you think $20 is expensive
  13. noev2

    wanna get into hvh again

    how does this invalidate my point? in this cheat you can't even change your desync without a script. so saying nl, which has an aa tab that you can do anything with binds, is a lua carried hack is a stupid claim. Unless im missing something i don't see what lua nl needs. anyways ill stop now...
  14. noev2

    wanna get into hvh again

    this cheat needed a min dmg override script 2 updates ago please don't use that argument
  15. noev2

    wanna get into hvh again

    do not buy this hack until it updates. If possible don't buy anything until you see an update 👍