Recent content by niggapee

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  1. niggapee

    Some media I would like to get an opinion on.

    too many visuals man make it more simple and viewer friendly so we don’t get seizures or throw up from looking at the screen
  2. niggapee V3 is P

    can't lie tho, sometimes this music is really good to listen to occasionally, even thought it's very mainstream at one point and unlikeable because of it.
  3. niggapee

    V3 highlights

    only awp :|
  4. niggapee

    killing enemies sub giveaway

    thanks for the sub I know I won!
  5. niggapee hvh highlights (configs in desc)

    Good song, but dawg don't be posting 2ks and 3ks especially if in those clips there's an afk or a legit XD