Recent content by nifty1123

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  1. nifty1123

    -rep blabbers random shit and cannot make much sense of it

    -rep blabbers random shit and cannot make much sense of it
  2. nifty1123

    My [review] on onetap [21average]

    you are right no resolver is perfect but I have just never had any problems my self
  3. nifty1123

    My [review] on onetap [21average]

    Hello this is my personal opinion/review of onetap at it's current state. Ragebot Antiaim Visuals Misc Ragebot is Perfect in my opinion never had an issue of my own but have heard others complain about resolver but most likely due to the members joining in 2020 and not the actual...
  4. nifty1123


  5. nifty1123

    Lagging on EU with (ONETAP)

    just stating you joined 50 mins ago shush
  6. nifty1123

    Lagging on EU with (ONETAP)

    hide shots and double tap turn off fakelag so its something with the fakelag
  7. nifty1123

    Sharing my experiences with rest of you.

    1.yes 2.yes 3.nope iq issue or cfg issue 4.yes 5.dont make much sense and you joined ot in July 2020 I think its a brain problem not a cheat problem
  8. ot attacking its own kind

    ot attacking its own kind

  9. nifty1123


    can i have legacy config