Recent content by mredoz

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  1. mredoz

    nope, I only have 1 acc for ot

    nope, I only have 1 acc for ot
  2. mredoz

    I've had this account from 2019 -- my alias used to be mredoz; Since then I've obviously :oops...

    I've had this account from 2019 -- my alias used to be mredoz; Since then I've obviously :oops: gotten better at naming things
  3. mredoz


    This entire post was cancer to read... everyone is mis-spelling and acting like they are the smartest. That being said, I want to read more of this chaos >:)
  4. mredoz

    Really helpful, Really nice, Really cool 😍 :cool: I lub yuou

    Really helpful, Really nice, Really cool 😍 :cool: I lub yuou
  5. mredoz

    You be seksy too ;)

    You be seksy too ;)
  6. mredoz

    Ayy, what's up :)

    Ayy, what's up :)
  7. mredoz

    Thanks <3 :)

    Thanks <3 :)
  8. mredoz

    Please Fix the fd or resolver or whatever this issue is

    Ok, sure. I tried helping you. Good luck dealing with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. mredoz

    Please Fix the fd or resolver or whatever this issue is

    I asked for either the cfg, or settings or hitchance, you didnt post any of them. How would we help if you cant give us information about the issue...
  10. mredoz

    Please Fix the fd or resolver or whatever this issue is

    What is your hitchance? I'd say its a hitchance issue and you were most likely missing due to spread. That's just an assumption though, cuz you didnt post ur cfg, or settings.
  11. mredoz


  12. mredoz

    Sub giveaway

    Hope I win
  13. mredoz best software on the market

    Nice clips, nice playstyle, nice vid :cool:
  14. mredoz

    :oops: Hot? pog! 😘

    :oops: Hot? pog! 😘
  15. mredoz

    Semi rage legende

    Try to not clip afks, Try to show some kills on non legits, to show that your cfg is good.