Recent content by MacNCheese

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  1. MacNCheese

    dababy's review and feedback after a month of using

    I somewhat agreed with your post until I saw that you paid $100 for configs/scripts. If you need to pay for configs to make OT perform well, you're dogshit. That's completely on you - your lack of brain resulted in issues configuring the cheat. Don't make it seem like only 10 people in the...
  2. MacNCheese

    Fix onetap!!

    cringe 300k calling people 100k uid & ur literally saying "resolver is fine on otc3" like the post is onetap related, so please don't comment until you can buy a sub.
  3. MacNCheese

    My **HONEST** onetap v4 review!

    can all of you 100ks plz stop arguing? As a fellow 100k myself, you can't make fun of a 300k if ur still 100k. And you can't call people 2021 joiners if you're a 100k. Just don't talk unless you're a 5 digit or less.
  4. MacNCheese

    Resolver bug

    I haven't had any issues similar to this, I'm surprised everyone says they have. I just got the cheat 1-2 days ago, everything's just fine for me.
  5. MacNCheese


    Nice vid! Discord: Mustafa#0420 Onetap: MacNCheese Gl Everyone! :)