Recent content by lolxdya

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  1. lolxdya

    whatsup bigman

    whatsup bigman
  2. lolxdya

    free acupz he aint do shit

    free acupz he aint do shit
  3. lolxdya


    OT is easily the best cheat available currently. It's not even so much about making the right config, just make a half decent one, and you'll shit on everyone
  4. lolxdya

    thank you, if only I was 10k higher for the full 2's

    thank you, if only I was 10k higher for the full 2's
  5. lolxdya

    Questions regarding purchase and Update 'rumors'

    this has been worked on already, and not in the form of anti defensive.
  6. lolxdya


    resolver is pointless rn. force safepoint = win
  7. lolxdya

    hi signal (say it back)

    hi signal (say it back)
  8. lolxdya

    hi (say hi back)

    hi (say hi back)
  9. lolxdya

    Comment by 'lolxdya' in media 'Onetap Sigma Grindset'

    onetap.ios hits P :)
  10. Onetap Sigma Grindset

    Onetap Sigma Grindset

    remade this video to make it more funky
  11. lolxdya

    wtf..... (what the fuck, followed by elipsis)

    wtf..... (what the fuck, followed by elipsis)
  12. lolxdya

    Oh Onetap             You're the god cheat

    nah i use offensive dt and im getting kills 9/10 times, because im not using defensive and getting tapped first lol
  13. lolxdya

    Oh Onetap             You're the god cheat

    imagine using defensive in the first place submissive femboy slut