Recent content by Lolle

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  1. Lolle

    never x xyno x fokuz x deadly x brkn (16-11)

    LOL media on harmless and blurred out chat hahaha
  2. Lolle

    OnTap V.3 OWNED ALL

    Some constructive criticism: Don't clip/screenshot 2k's. It only looks worse.
  3. Lolle

    parabellum | 7x sub giveaway

    I like onetap because of the community and how amazing people are here at onetap forums. I also like the antiaim and the ragebot in the cheat. It's pretty p!. I would like customization on like smokes and fire timers. A Baim only option on the ragebot would be nice too since its simple and good...
  4. Lolle


  5. Lolle

    woof woof

    woof woof
  6. Lolle


  7. Lolle

    GIve me now :mad:

    GIve me now :mad:
  8. Lolle

    +rep good support :)

    +rep good support :)
  9. Lolle

    +rep b1g f4n

    +rep b1g f4n