Recent content by Leech6969

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  1. Leech6969


    bing qi ling
  2. Leech6969

    new update after testing out a lil bit

    For auto yes onetap fucking dominates every game but for scout shit gets me a 6k then goes retarded
  3. Leech6969

    new update after testing out a lil bit

    this shit was tapping with no resolver
  4. Leech6969


  5. Leech6969


    OMG RESoblerr bad!!!1!!! missed due to spread omg omg omg i cant stop holding w while shooting
  6. Leech6969

    Scout on onetap | 2nd December

    yeah scout is good asf i havent missed more than 2 shots
  7. Leech6969

    Should I buy OT?

    Good choice
  8. Leech6969


    Get it I've top fragged 4 games in a row really good
  9. Leech6969

    Hitting Mad P With OT

    I faced you lmao i was spawn trapping the shit out of you lmao
  10. Leech6969

    "Insufficient Funds"

    Yo dumbass you gotta cash out your money lmao
  11. Leech6969


    dude i thought this was an update lmao i got so hyped up
  12. Leech6969

    Aimware or onetap for legit cheating?

    use ot just a semirage js 5 fov
  13. Leech6969

    my thoughts on OTV3 after about a week.

    good to see people not crying over the good resolver for once good review
  14. Leech6969

    Is untrusted required?

    and it lowers your trust factor so i wouldnt recommend using it