Recent content by Kamay

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  1. Kamay

    otv4 vs otcv2

    15 is very low for body pointscale tbh, u could also try like not doing +1hp and use like 65-75 or smth
  2. Kamay

    @claptrap2k OT old domain

    @claptrap2k OT old domain
  3. Kamay

    God bless this Alpha team (ONETAP V4 FEEDBACK)

    Smooth brain moment lmao I wrote this mid-wingman game in between and also right before I went to sleep and didn’t proof read lol but I meant I was hitting 9/10 shots, it felt good.
  4. Kamay

    God bless this Alpha team (ONETAP V4 FEEDBACK)

    What else can I say? A developer which actually is trying to make improvements to the cheat and the alpha testers giving not only their feedback but GOOD feedback on updates before we get them is a very rare thing in 2020. I don't know who particular is responsible for the update but this...
  5. Kamay

    mr "it was never" how fkn embarrassing, dont speak unless u know shit kthnx

    mr "it was never" how fkn embarrassing, dont speak unless u know shit kthnx
  6. Kamay

    rofl retard kid buys uid 31 account and thinks they know shit about onetap

    rofl retard kid buys uid 31 account and thinks they know shit about onetap
  7. Kamay

    raped by $$$$$$

    raped by $$$$$$
  8. Kamay

    raped by $$$$$$

    raped by $$$$$$
  9. Kamay

    good hvher sir

    good hvher sir
  10. Kamay

    howdy..................... had to get my gf a onetap sub so we can try hvhing

    howdy..................... had to get my gf a onetap sub so we can try hvhing
  11. Kamay

    obtain subscription fast

    obtain subscription fast
  12. Kamay


  13. Kamay

    fag dm on discord

    fag dm on discord
  14. Kamay

    Brutally Honest Onetap review

    ImGui is disgusting and you're disgusting for suggesting it.
  15. Kamay

    free sub when ?

    free sub when ?