Recent content by JustCyber

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  1. JustCyber

    wow ur cool

    wow ur cool
  2. JustCyber

    gang gang

    gang gang
  3. JustCyber

    Onetap Sub Giveaway!

    Tbh should make like a website or something if this is going to happen every now and then. Atleast make purchases there so you don't lose contact with litteraly everyone if it gets snapped again
  4. JustCyber

    Pay by Paypal

    That's what i meant
  5. JustCyber

    Is is often detected

    The spelling error hurts
  6. JustCyber

    my config is better than yours :)

    I hope hes playing legit
  7. JustCyber

    my config is better than yours :)

    You can get far in life just from being salty as fuck
  8. JustCyber


  9. JustCyber

    Is is often detected

    I mean spinning in games doesn't have any impact on what cheat you use, what makes it go faster / slower is if your report is higher up than others and gets reviewed faster
  10. JustCyber

    Is is often detected

    No shit xP, if you play legit (rage too lol) you won't get VAC however if you play like a blatant idiot you will most likely get overwatched cause then real humans are making the decisions
  11. JustCyber

    my config is better than yours :)

    The fact that @ekjam with almost all of his posts being some shit spam on a cfg thread saying that a active member is a NN
  12. JustCyber

    Is is often detected

    hail llama
  13. JustCyber

    my config is better than yours :)

    If @ekjam wins he's camped a 1w if @heiserino wins we know it's legit
  14. JustCyber

    my config is better than yours :)

    Hahahah, please record and send video when done