Recent content by joe3540

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  1. joe3540

    when can we use Alipay to buy OneTap

    yea but i think its the only way and i you have to pay like an extra euro or something
  2. joe3540

    when can we use Alipay to buy OneTap

    you should purchase from a reseller which might accept alipay
  3. joe3540

    OT not opening CSGO

    try using more thermal paste
  4. joe3540

    Review for onetap after using it for almost an year

    um i know that this is an opinion but the ragebot needs some fixings such as the prediction, resolver and min dmg
  5. joe3540

    HvH server rewards - April

  6. joe3540

    conclusion after using onetap for over half a year

    After using onetap for 6 months now this is what i have to say about the cheat. - Log not specific enough ( please add resolver miss in logs so I dont get confused with unreg shots) - The resolver is not good but not bad (enough to resolve stomach while missing on legs/feet and pelvis) - The...
  7. joe3540

    HvH server rewards - March

  8. joe3540

    HvH server rewards - March

  9. joe3540

    HvH server rewards - February
