Recent content by j4mes

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  1. j4mes

    Purchase Methods

    Can you purchase without having to give a SSN? And do gift cards work?
  2. j4mes

    First day of

    glad you got onetap instead of polakware. i bought polakware when ot was private and oh boy i regret it. should've waited 3 more months and gotten 5 months sub instead of lifetime. just don't buy polakware, i prefer xyo or prismatic over that trash.
  3. j4mes

    Giftcard for OT Subs?

    a sub is 20 euro, that means that it's 22-ish USD
  4. j4mes

    Fake Lag Question

    Does the fag lag interfere with bhopping or hitting shots? Sometimes with AW the auto bhopper will get messed up because of the fake lag. Thanks!