Recent content by ImNotHustle

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  1. ImNotHustle

    Xmas Subscription Giveaway [ENDED]

    give sub :)
  2. ImNotHustle

    -rep cant tap

    -rep cant tap
  3. ImNotHustle

    +rep quality content and good person :)

    +rep quality content and good person :)
  4. ImNotHustle

    -rep tried to rape me

    -rep tried to rape me
  5. ImNotHustle


    To be completely honest, cheat is amazing but cheat doesnt listen to minimum damage like at all. For example: 41 mindmg cheat waits to ensure 41 damage but ends up shooting for 23 and 30 even though u got only stomach on ( example ) Secondly i found another issue, cheat doesnt really listen...
  6. ImNotHustle

    +rep bestest worstest player :)

    +rep bestest worstest player :)