Recent content by hvhk1ng

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  1. hvhk1ng


    this is the best hack atm so you are just a dumb monkey. I do good every game with it. I do much better with this hack than skeet lol
  2. hvhk1ng

    Cheat update

    not my first acc retard
  3. hvhk1ng

    Cheat update

    ur retarded fix ur cfg and ur iq then come back fag
  4. hvhk1ng

    skeet user *fire* got demolished by shirazu

    yeah he won due to me not playing 1v1 in like 4 months and missing in air with forcebaim so yeahhhhh
  5. hvhk1ng

    skeet user *fire* got demolished by shirazu

    Basically he only spotlighted me because I said that lmao
  6. hvhk1ng

    skeet user *fire* got demolished by shirazu

    He legit got this mad because I said he was annoying and that playing with him would practically make you a slave hh
  7. hvhk1ng

    skeet user *fire* got demolished by shirazu

    bro ur so good man omg my first 1v1 in 4 months and u think ur some pro hvher oh my god And just came back not even a month ago hhhh