Recent content by Heyer

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  1. Heyer

    cheat needs to be improved

    i have 2 free scripts and i'm always positive and i'm easily resolving head and i'm hs player xd
  2. Heyer

    doubletap is good wym

    doubletap is good wym
  3. Heyer

    day 144 with no update...(i'm losing my mind)

    people mad
  4. Heyer

    +rep chill guy

    +rep chill guy
  5. Heyer

    VAC detection

    VAC Is really bad. Onetap isn't detected, it is safe to play on matchmaking with it. But you can still get banned by Overwatch. I'm using Onetap with my config (u can find it in the config section) for already few months and still nothing.
  6. Heyer

    an actual, not half-assed review of the cheat in current state (before update)

    Really good review! Good job, i like it.
  7. Heyer

    onetap on 5e

    does onetap work on 5e arena?