Recent content by goregasm

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  1. goregasm

    Onetap 1v3 MM HvH

    Product of 3 edgelords with Onetap, Aimware, and dunno the third cheat talking shit. Slapped 'em. 2 rage quit and the OT user stayed with 3 bots and talked shit to the bitter end.
  2. goregasm

    Honest onetap review ( don't watch if u can't take criticism )

    I used AW until I was bored enough to try something else. After buying OT, I'd never go back to AW or any other cheat for that matter. I haven't been HvH'ing for a long time, but if you aren't brain dead, it's quite easy to make a superior config on your own by using your brain. I drop into HvH...