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  1. F

    Xmas Subscription Giveaway [ENDED]

  2. F

    您好,我对Onetap V4有问题。我现在无法登录,因为我使用Qiyou加速器进行了加速。我一直被困在登录名中。我希望它将帮助我解决这个问题

    您好,我对Onetap V4有问题。我现在无法登录,因为我使用Qiyou加速器进行了加速。我一直被困在登录名中。我希望它将帮助我解决这个问题
  3. F

    Emissive Lights

    cfg problem
  4. F

    1 month sub giveaway challenge!

    banshee would like to participate, he has a beautiful singing voice
  5. F

    What happent to ot resolver?

  6. F

    What happent to ot resolver?

    why are you going for head when telepeeking?
  7. F

    fake news

    i know what the problem is cxdy099.213188 inb4 cyrex quotes me
  8. F

    shameful predator blikky benchpressed. (3-2)

    Isn't that the guy who touched his own mother in her sleep? I got told by one of his mates HAHAH A
  9. F

    Ah yes hitting P

    Agree that this is a resolver issue. I've noticed that onetap struggles to resolve no aa/legit aa enemies. When using auto, you simply can't predict them (most of the time) and with scout this sometimes happens. I do want to add that at this point in the game, the resolver hasn't fully learned...
  10. F

    to all monkeys crying about resolver

    Because of suggestions that the scripting community gave. Also, you say onetap development is stagnant while there are other p2cs that have gone more than half a year without updates at this point. Meanwhile, ot has added cloud scripting & configs, a new cloud API and a ton of various features...
  11. F

    to all monkeys crying about resolver

    Low delta $$
  12. F


    can u stop bumping your shit media
  13. F

    highlights with the hack

    he got banned for including afk kills in his media
  14. F


    sharklaserhook $$