Recent content by CnCeR

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  1. CnCeR

    Actually a cheat or even anything that is electronic or used in something electronic doesn't...

    Actually a cheat or even anything that is electronic or used in something electronic doesn't have a mood. A cheat works the same every time you launch it. So please don't complain about a cheat. Just learn how to use it ;)
  2. CnCeR

    You can't even make a cfg lmao and u talking like ot is shit lmao. Learn how to make cfgs pls

    You can't even make a cfg lmao and u talking like ot is shit lmao. Learn how to make cfgs pls
  3. CnCeR

    Click on shoppy to buy the cfg u want ( shoppy )

    Click on shoppy to buy the cfg u want ( shoppy )