Recent content by caesar

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  1. caesar

    Features and detection

    yes, it would indeed be a great idea
  2. caesar

    Features and detection

    the name matters. whenever you change the name, the name of the process changes, check it out in the Task Manager. and the location matters as well if VAC truly scans the hard drives for any specific files (I don't know if this is true, so it might not matter as you said). if VAC scans the hard...
  3. caesar

    Features and detection

    did you get VAC banned or did you get Overwatched ? and did you rename the 'Onetap.exe' file and put it somewhere else other than your Desktop location? I'm curious because I've been using onetap for a month now on my main account and no VAC ban or Overwatch ban.
  4. caesar

    is 25e paysafecard enough for onetap?

    is 25e paysafecard enough for onetap?