Recent content by bster91

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  1. bster91

    Onetap best cheat? (6-8k no awp)

    bro all your media is just afk, half lit people or a football team
  2. bster91

    Great HVHER

    Great HVHER
  3. bster91

    Epic name

    Epic name
  4. bster91

    ouf the uid is getting to 200k

    ouf the uid is getting to 200k
  5. bster91

    Onetap is really not good, in the Moment.

    cfg issue my cfg is really p rn.
  6. bster91

    Legitex why you flexing 4k uid. BRUH. You got it after it was public thats not a flex.

    Legitex why you flexing 4k uid. BRUH. You got it after it was public thats not a flex.
  7. bster91

    You just got fucked by a 13 uid. This guy can flex on anyone. HE HAS UNLIMITED POWER!!!!

    You just got fucked by a 13 uid. This guy can flex on anyone. HE HAS UNLIMITED POWER!!!!
  8. bster91

    New fags

    New fags
  9. bster91

    hvh with

    Vouch copy?
  10. bster91


    Should I sell my configs. LMK what you think. Reno#1019 gave me the base config and I config it from there. First try at making Media