Recent content by billisapill

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  1. billisapill

    Issues with ot

    that ss literally shows you missing due to spread lmao. If you miss to spread that much, its a cfg issue.
  2. billisapill

    Issues with ot

    it doesn't shoot under min dmg, it misses due to spread and hits a lower damage spot. ESP literally works completely fine. Dt is fine and I rarely miss dt except for on people e peeking. zeus bot is really terrible so ill give you that.
  3. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    mine works user issue/badscript issue get a new brain
  4. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    that comments too long i aint reading that
  5. billisapill

    Purchasing upgrades at Onetap via PayPal / Paysafe / Cryptocurrency

    can you not read the post?
  6. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    also autopeek doesn't teleport you lmao. UNLESS you have dt on.
  7. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    uid 76k and i still know how to use cheats better than u. mad dog sit
  8. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    user issue
  9. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    if it serves no purpose it isn't needed. if it can be changed with a script "which multiple exist for that feature" there's no point in the devs wasting their time on it.
  10. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    you can literally see that I haven't asked for a resolver update but keep jumping to conclusions.
  11. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    it doesnt make the cheat better. it doesnt make it perform better in any way
  12. billisapill

    Questions about upgrading.

    1. cheat is good, resolver is fine, no but there's scripts 2. that's a personal opinion. personally I don't think it looks good, but other people do.
  13. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    maybe dont play in a dark room. its so terrible for your eyes to look at a monitor in a dark room.
  14. billisapill

    Autopeek color

    how is that a reason? its not needed. its wanted. there's a difference. no need to change colour of something you see for a half a second at a time
  15. billisapill

    How has HVH changed you as a person?

    damn it made me less racist because you constantly hear 12 year olds yell the n word and you realize how retarded it is