Recent content by bigignattape

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  1. bigignattape

    ray, I wrote a request for reset hwid, please check

    ray, I wrote a request for reset hwid, please check
  2. bigignattape

    hello, reset my hwid please, i change my windows. i was have windows 8.1 and i change on windows...

    hello, reset my hwid please, i change my windows. i was have windows 8.1 and i change on windows 10. and I was shown the wrong hwid error, please have all the evidence.
  3. bigignattape

    I changed Windows, and it wrote to me

    I changed Windows, and it wrote to me
  4. bigignattape

    please reset my hwid, I applied but was denied :(, there is all evidence that my account.

    please reset my hwid, I applied but was denied :(, there is all evidence that my account.