Recent content by BigBoy451

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  1. BigBoy451

    [SUB GIVEAWAY] Ended

    ayo lets get this runnin up again #NEWPCMOMENT
  2. BigBoy451

    onetap alpha hvh highlights #30 | config & script giveaway

    MrBones#3856 I COUNT
  3. BigBoy451

    Some good skins / bad skins for OT sub, 25$ worth of skins USD (Cases included + shitty skins)

    man i thought u was gonna be like "yeah i can buy it"
  4. BigBoy451

    Buying OT sub with CS:GO skins (cases/stickers WILL be included)

    Buying ot sub with skins, 25$ + will negotiate up to 37$
  5. BigBoy451

    Paypal purchase
  6. BigBoy451

    Some good skins / bad skins for OT sub, 25$ worth of skins USD (Cases included + shitty skins)

    My Disc: SmellyGirl#0001 NO price negotiations
  7. BigBoy451

    anti untrusted 3min into mm

    you have a rank.. that isnt a new account, you probably bought the account and from previous matches it got banned
  8. BigBoy451


    mans cant config
  9. BigBoy451

    " When you're a programmer, "dont feel like it", doesn't cut it. " nah, i dont feel like it...

    " When you're a programmer, "dont feel like it", doesn't cut it. " nah, i dont feel like it, cause its pretty clear i aint a programmer idiot
  10. BigBoy451

    bro stop changing computers so much smh

    bro stop changing computers so much smh
  11. BigBoy451

    dont feel like it

    dont feel like it
  12. BigBoy451

    Paypal reseller, 20-25$ CAD (Canadian) 15 - 18$ USD

    add who? check again on that sellers discord
  13. BigBoy451

    Paypal reseller, 20-25$ CAD (Canadian) 15 - 18$ USD

    Prices are negotiable, its just a starting price, just like how people negotiate all around the world. The price could even go with me paying more than an actual onetap sub.
  14. BigBoy451

    Paypal reseller, 20-25$ CAD (Canadian) 15 - 18$ USD

    Looking for someone who can resell it. Prices are negotiable.