Recent content by axta

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  1. axta


    button called 'resolver override' just turn that to always on because that will probably work better than the first bruteforces
  2. axta

    7k - Full team peek vs Axta

    best revolver config
  3. axta

    7k - Full team peek vs Axta

    nah these were some top 100 feetware kiddies lol
  4. axta

    7k - Full team peek vs Axta

    onetap > you
  5. axta

    Is Onetap V3 Worth? (for you considering buying)

    no clue im a walking ad
  6. axta

    Is Onetap V3 Worth? (for you considering buying)

    Answer : Yes I usually go around 25 Kills - 6 Deaths in Rantei$, so its pretty good. My Discord Server for my configs :