Recent content by Aviraguy

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  1. Aviraguy

    lox kakoyto

    lox kakoyto
  2. Aviraguy

    a hard choice

    let me correct myself a bit, the question was about playing with low fps or playing with higher fps later
  3. Aviraguy

    a hard choice

    hey people, i am thinking about buying onetap again, just to see what's up with it, but before that, i have question, do i buy onetap, or do i wait for like 2 months, and then with new pc buy onetap, because my poor poor pc can't handle csgo that well.
  4. Aviraguy

    ну шо чертила)) это же ты с 17 зареган да? хехехе

    ну шо чертила)) это же ты с 17 зареган да? хехехе
  5. Aviraguy

