Recent content by 4hm3d

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  1. 4hm3d

    Please see my feedback for the administrator of onetap v4

    No, the cheat is very much shit and the devs have ne intention on updating it. I miss the easiest and most simple shots ever. It is not a config neither it is an iq issue. You people expect so much but this cheat is nowhere near our expectations.
  2. 4hm3d

    onetap on 5e

    does onetap work on 5e arena?
  3. 4hm3d

    Discord server

    Does onetap have a discord server i need to know
  4. 4hm3d

    HvH server rewards - July

    I wish I could afford onetap but i cant even win it since Im using weave crack and cant compete with others :(